April 2008 Client Newsletter
NPI # Information From MedicareWe are pleased to report that CPB has been sending only the NPI # to Medicare for several weeks without any problems getting paid. At least for Medicare patients, it appears we are in good shape for May 23rd.
Once we get past the annual deductibles in March, there is still potential for cash flow interruption when the NPI # becomes mandatory for all insurers on May 23rd. Our concern now is that other insurers (including Blue Shields, Medicaid’s, etc.) do not seem to be doing much testing.
We recommend taking this into consideration if you plan to make any significant purchases until we see how well the national system (Medicaid, Horizon, other Blue Shields, CIGNA, AETNA, etc.) handles the NPI # only.
We will continue to test claims as insurers indicate they are ready.
DME MAC A Claims
On March 19, 2008 NHIC (DME MAC A carrier) sent the following regarding a significant Process Change for Invalid Beneficiary Identifying Information. This change brings them into line with what other Medicare carriers have been doing for several years.
“ NHIC receives many electronic and paper claims with incorrect beneficiary identifying information. DME MAC A is currently correcting the invalid information and allowing the claims to process. The incorrect information includes:
Health Insurance Claim Number (HICN)
Beneficiary name
For claims received on or after April 15, 2008, DME MAC A will no longer correct the above claim information. Electronic and paper claim submitters will receive a letter identifying the error. Suppliers will be required to correct the information and resubmit the claim.
Suppliers are strongly encouraged to obtain a current copy of the beneficiary's Medicare card to verify the name and HICN. This information must be entered on the claim exactly as it appears on the beneficiary's Medicare card. â€
To avoid payment denials or delays, CPB must receive a copy of the patient’s Medicare card with the 1st set of charges so we can be certain the patient’s name is entered correctly.
Remember, don’t shoot the messenger!
If you would like discounted Morey’s Pier tickets (waterpark & amusement pier) CPB has arranged for a 29% discount for our staff and clients. Go to http://store.moreyspiers.com/ETicket.com. You will need an ID # - just call and Rich or one of the staff will be glad to provide it.