October 2011 Client Newsletter
ELECTRONIC CLAIMS AND PAYMENTS – 5010 FORMATOn January 1, 2012 the medical billing industry must begin submitting claims and applying payments using the 5010 version. CPB and our vendor are testing and do not anticipate any problem meeting this deadline.
Medicare EHR Payments
From CMS:
“To qualify as certified EHR technology for the EHR Incentive Programs, an EHR needs to be tested by one of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology-Authorized Testing and Certification Bodies (otherwise known as the ONC-ATCBs). If an EHR technology has been certified by an ONC-ATCB, it indicates to EPs and eligible hospitals that it has the capacities necessary to support their efforts to meet meaningful use goals and objectives.
Note that you do not need to already have certified EHR technology in place when you register for the EHR Incentive Programs. However, you will need to have meaningfully used your certified EHR technology to receive your first year Medicare incentive payment.â€
We have not received an update for Fall 2011. Fees currently are:
Q2035 Afluria vacc $12.398 (Effective May 23, 2011)
Q2036 Flulaval vacc $8.784
Q2037 Fluvirin vacc $13.253
Q2038 Fluzone vacc $12.593
A new Medicare Advanced Beneficiary Notice (ABN) format has been released by CMS with an effective date 11/1/11. If you use an ABN, let Rich know and we will create an updated version.