October 2021 Client Newsletter
Credit & Debit Card Payments
Our clients who use InstaMed to process their credit & debit cards, and/or ACH payments are able to make paying patient balances very easy. A website link was created and printed on each patient statement so the patient can use their cell phone to pay their bill electronically.
The benefit is that it is easy & quick for patients to do. And you get paid faster.
The technology now exists for our clients who do not use InstaMed to process their credit/debit cards and/or ACH to still use your credit card vendor - if they will set up a website link specifically for your practice or company. You would then benefit the same way without switching vendors.
The company would just need to talk to us so we can understand their process, receive the URL to add to your patient statement, and review how we would receive the payment information. Then the patient’s account can be properly credited.