May 2016 Client Newsletter
Keep Credit Cards on File
Credit cards on file is a relatively new option the past two to three years which is becoming a lot more popular with the high deductible plans. It allows patients to leave their credit card on file so the practice can automatically charge for patient balances. It is another tool to collect these ever increasing amounts.
In a recent Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Stat poll, conducted with over 140 practices, MGMA asked what percentage of practices use credit card on file? Results:
- 20% keep credit cards on file
- 79% do not.
- 1% did not answer
However, what they did not measure how many use their credit card company to keep that important information. For those who may be considering this option, our advice is to use your credit card company to save this information. There are stringent requirements to protect that is better left to a larger entity.
Medicare Clarifies Billing Requirements
for Care Coordination Services
In new guidance, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) answers several common questions about the complex billing requirements for transitional care management (TCM) and chronic care management (CCM) services. For example, the agency specifies that in the event that a provider is unable to reach a patient within two days of discharge from a hospital, TCM may still be billed if the provider documents at least two attempts to contact the patient and meets all other service requirements.
CMS also relaxed its guidance regarding electronic transmission of patients' records for billing CCM. CMS clarified that practices may fax patients' care plan information if that is the only way the receiving physician may accept it, or alternatively use a third-party intermediary to meet the transitions of care requirement.
Digital ID Cards - Aetna & Humana
Aetna & Humana are beginning to offer digital ID cards to their members - making a copy of a digital phone's insurance card may be challenging. In the event you are presented with such a "card" there are three options:
- Copy the phone
- Have the patient fax or email their card to your office with a copy to [email protected] . Patients are not constrained by HIPAA as providers are.
- Front desk could manually enter the card information - but they need to be VERY careful to provide all information - accurately.
- If you have a Patient Portal, they can enter the data there - but a copy of the card is ALWAYS best!
- Finally, patients can always use CMB's secure link on our website: - upper right "Patient Form."
Reminder of Important
Medicare 60 Day Refund Final Rule
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued its final rule describing the responsibilities providers have to report and return Medicare Part A and B overpayments in cases where they are self-identified. These standards are intended to provide clarity and consistency among the requirements for reporting and refunding these overpayments. This rule became effective on March 14 of this year.
Under the final rule, providers must report and return overpayments by 60 days after the date on which the overpayment was identified or should reasonably have been identified. The final rule also establishes a look back period of six years from the date the overpayment was received for which these requirements apply. The proposed rule originally included a ten year look back period.
Our clients are light-years ahead of this issue as Cape Medical Billing has actively identified overpayments for many years and notified clients monthly.